Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Crazy Day!

Have you ever had a really exciting day were a few days later you still can't stop thinking about it? Well, that happened to me two years ago and I still remember it. It all started when I came home from school. I hurried and did my homework because my friend Alyssa and I were going to hang out later on that day at her house. Once I finished my homework, my mom took me over.

Everything seemed to go great. We were watching movies, playing on the computer and doing other fun stuff. I really didn't think anything out of the ordinary was going to happen that day. Well, a few hours past and her parents went out to dinner so we were going to watch her two little brothers until they came home. We played some games with them and ate some dinner. Then about 7 o'clock we got a phone call from the neighbor down the street saying, "Get everyone inside and lock all the doors." We hurried and made sure everyone was inside and we locked all the doors. We didn't really know what was going on. So we called Alyssa's parents, but they didn't answer.

It was getting late and we still did not have any idea what was going on. Then all of a sudden, we saw all these police cars outside of her house. They were everywhere, even down the street. We were all panicking and Alyssa's parents still weren't home. We got all of her brothers and stayed in the living room together. Then we saw something moving outside in the backyard. It was a cop who was looking all around her swing set with a gun in his hand. We were all freaking out! I have never in my life seen a crime scene in action until that day. Stuff like this usually happens on TV, where the cops have the house surrounded and they are searching for someone and all the people inside are scared.

Her parents came home a few minutes later and we told them what we had seen. Everything seemed to go back to normal. Her neighbor called again and explained everything that had happened. This is what she said, "A couple that lived down the street were having some problems. The husband threatened her so she called the cops. The husband ran through other people's back yards trying to escape. The cops found the man and took him away." Now it all made sense.

Well, it was pretty late and I had to go home. My mom picked me up and I told her what had happened. She was surprised that that had happened while I was at Alyssa's house. That was the craziest day of my life. It was also very exciting and I am never going to forget that day for as long as I live. So now I am going to ask you, the reader, what was your most crazy day?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

First Day!

It was the day before school started. I was so excited. I didn't know how I was going to sleep that night. I got everything ready for school, my backpack, binders, pencils and paper. I picked out a cute outfit and set my alarm. Then I forced myself to sleep. You know the feeling when it is pitch black outside and someone jumps out and scares you. That is exactly how I felt when my alarm woke me up at 6:45 in the morning. I couldn't believe that they made school start at 8:05. Once I got ready I ate breakfast then went off to school. I had gotten my schedule last week, so I knew where to go and how to open my locker. I was a little nervous about what lunch I had. It all depended on my 5th period class.

My first class was Peer Support. It seemed to be a fun class. I was glad that she wasn't giving us a disclosure on the first day. She just told about the class and what our responsibilities were. My second period class was Science. Science on the other hand we did get a disclosure. Just like all the rest of my 5 classes, except Seminary. Finally it was 5th period. I listened intensely as they read off the teachers names that had 1st lunch. I didn't hear my name so that meant I had second. As soon as class was over I ran to my friends and asked what lunch they had. They all had second except for one of my friends. I felt bad for her, but yet was also excited to be with the majority of my friends. I hurried to the lunch room to get in line. Second lunch in my opinion is not as good as first. There is hardly and good food left. It is all picked over from first lunch, so all that is left if mushy apples, bruised bananas, or even worse no pizza. Pizza in my opinion is pretty good compared to all the other stuff they serve in school. So if it is not there I get pretty mad. Luckily they had enough that day.

After lunch I went to all of my classes and got all the disclosures. Finally it was five minutes before we got to go home. It was like waiting to open presents on Christmas morning. DING DING DING schools out! I rushed to my locker put all of my stuff in my backpack and headed off towards home. I told my mom everything that I did that day. The first day wasn't as fun as I hoped to be, but it was still fun to see all of my friends. I thought that it was pretty cool that I got to choose were to sit in most of my classes. I guess the teachers trust us more to be capable to sit were we want. I am taking a lot of great classes this year and I am excited to be in 9th grade.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Blog Post # 1

Hello World!