Sunday, June 1, 2008

Making a Difference!

I wrote this poem!! What do you think?

There are many ways to make a difference in someone’s life.
You could help out with your kids, husband or wife.
You could also help out in many places,
by putting a smile on people’s faces.
I can make a difference by doing things like
teaching a kid how to ride a bike.
By doing some work for a person in need,
which may be to plant or pull a weed.
Making a difference doesn’t include a reward.
You shouldn’t expect to get an award.
You do it out of kindness and love.
This should make you feel peace like a dove.
I can make a difference.


Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Good job Breanna. I think you did a great job.

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

Breanna, you should post some pictures on your blog.

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

You should post your beautiful new pictures of yourself on your blog. How is the campaigning going? Good Luck!

Joey, Amber, Ken , Ellie, Bruce and Patrick said...

You should update your blog again someday...