Here is a riddle for you. What thing do you have to be able to do to use the computer, order off a menu, and write? Are you thinking? Well, here is a hint it starts and ends with a R. READ! That what is common, you have to be able to read to do all of those things. Reading can benefit you in many ways. Some of the ways are to help you with instructions, lets you use your imagination, and for pure enjoyment. When is the last time you followed a set of instructions?
When trying to make a new recipe or trying to learn to make something you have never made before, a set of instructions will be useful. Well, without reading you would not be able to know how to do what you want to do. Just think about it for a second. You have to read how much you ingredients you need to include and also the directions to prepare it. I personally am glad that I can read because without it I would not be able to prepare some of the meals that I like. My next reason why reading benefits us is because it lets you imagine what is going on.
Have you ever read a book that was turned into a movie? Well, I have and personally I did not like the movie as much as the book. The way that I imagined the characters to look were totally different rather than the way that the people in the movie looked. Reading books let you imagine what the scene looks like and how the characters are presented in the scene (chapter) that they are in. My last example is for pure enjoyment.
Have you ever been so bored that you just mope around the house doing nothing? Well, when that happens to you get a book or magazine out and just read. It is a great way to spend your extra time that you have doing nothing. It benefits you in two ways. One way is enjoyment and the other is it helps your comprehension, spelling, and grammar.
In conclusion reading benefits you in many ways. It gives you instructions on how to do something, it lets you use your imagination, and it gives you something to do when you are bored. If you think about it, you read everyday even when you do not realize it. You read the advertisements you see when you are driving down the street. When you look around the room you read posters on the walls of the room.
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