Your principal is considering a new grading policy that replaces letter or number grades on report cards with pass or fail. What is your position concerning this issue? Write a letter to your principal stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons. Be sure to explain your reasons in detail.
Imagine you and another person were assigned to do a project. You spend a whole week perfecting until you got it just right. The other person on the other had only spent about one hour on the thing and didn’t really try his best. You turn it in and on your grade it says you both passed. How do you feel? Do you think that it is fair that you both get the same score? Well, I do not. Students should not be graded on either passing or failing. I have three good reasons to support this. One reason is students will not try their best to receive a good grade. Another reason is that there is no difference on a hard working student and a student who does an average job. Lastly, the C average student will be able to compete with a straight A student. You should work hard and do your best at all times.
Part of the reason that students work so hard is school is because of the great advantages and awards that they will receive in the future. When you get out of high school you are going to want to go to a good collage. If you do well in school then you might get a scholar ship to go to one of those places. You have the pride of being able to accomplish all that you have done the past years. If you lower the requirements on getting a good grade those people will not have to try their best to receive that. Even the average student will be able to get a scholar ship to the same school the hard working kid got. Now does that sound fair to you? There is not going to be a big difference between the types of student.
Working hard is not an easy thing. Some people don’t care about it and just do what they feel like at the moment. I personally can tell a distinction between the two types of people, but if you have the Pass or Fail grading system then you won’t be able to tell between the two. Collages will not be able to see which student was actually better.
Would it be fair that two students who are totally opposite from each other are able to compete for the same scholar ship? Collages will not be able to see which student was actually better. The C average student might be accepted rather than the student who actually tried their very best.
In conclusion students should not be graded by either passing or failing. They will not try their best, there would be no distinction between the two students, and the students will be able to compete for the same scholar ship.
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