When you hear the word pet peeve what do you think of? I think of something annoying, irritating or just something that bugs me. What I think is interesting about pet peeves is that everyone has one and they are all different. Not everyone gets bugged by only one thing. Say for instance that chewing gum really irritates me (it really does not), but it does not irritate my friend. I think that is so weird that only certain things bug people. My pet peeves seem really strange to other people because you would have never thought that that could be a pet peeve. One of my strange pet peeves is running water. I just can't stand the sound of water being wasted. My mom gets frustrated because when she is washing her hands. I turn the water off just when she is about to rinse her hands off. Another example is when my brother is brushing his teeth. I turn off the water just when his mouth is full of toothpaste.
Another pet peeve of mine is people who do not cover their mouth when they sneeze of cough. It is just so inconsiderate to other people around you. I know that it seems like it is just a natural thing to be considerate and cover your mouth, but people don't do it. Like for instance I was just at my SEOP yesterday and the counselor had like a cold or something and just about every five minutes they would just start hacking up a lung. The worst part of it all was that they didn't cover their mouth. I just felt like I was going to die. So, I covered my mouth so it would help filter out the germs. I hope that helped because I don't want to get sick and so far I am not. There have been times where I have gotten sick because people don't cover their mouths. And those people are my brothers. They can be so rude sometimes. All of them know that I hate people who don't cover their mouths. So, they purposely just cough and sneeze one me. I get so mad at them. And the worst part of it is that the next day I got sick. Now, that really got me mad. So, now when someone in my family gets sick I bring a can of Lysol with me every were I go and when they coughed I sprayed. But that was a while ago I am getting better with that pet peeve. Like I still care and all it is just I don't spray people with Lysol anymore.
Well, those are my worst pet peeves. Now you know that I do not like wasting good clean water and do not like people not covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze. So, what are some of your pet peeves? Are they unique like mine? Are they the same as mine or complete opposites? Think about it, then leave a comment.
I think I have a pet peeve with spelling. "Your" and "You're" always really bug me. LOL
My only pet peeve is when people have absolutely now sense of humor.
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