At first glance Ashlee looks like an ordinary person, but she is not that at all. I have known Ashlee since we were in 1st grade. She is smart, pretty and does many things in her life. Ashlee is a very intelligent person, but she can also act like a “dumb blond” at the same time.
Ashlee is one of the smartest people I know. She gets lots of A's on her report card. I don't even think she has gotten any thing lower than an A in her classes. Although Ashlee is very smart school wise, she is not smart in the real world. She asks a lot of questions like, "Do octopuses eat ships?" I mean come on! Ashlee was even in 6th grade when she asked that question. She also doesn't realize certain things that I would think ordinary people would realize. Like the time when she got out of class with her shoes on the wrong feet. When I asked her about it she said that she couldn't feel the difference. Being smart (school wise) is not all Ashlee has going for her.
Ashlee is very pretty. She is very tan and has dark brown hair that goes down to her lower back. She is barely 5 feet and is in the 9th grade. Even though she is short she is very muscular, which makes her a very strong person. The reason I think she is so strong is because she has been in dance for about 11 or 12 years. Besides being strong and pretty she also does many unique things.
Ashlee does many different things in her life. An example of Ashlee being that happened when we were over at our friend's house making popcorn for a movie. Once the popcorn was done she tasted it then spit it out and said, "It needs more salt!" She hurried over, grabbed the salt and put about a half of cup in it. Then she tasted it again and said, "That's more like it." Another example of her doing unique things is when she pops her back. Every time I see Ashlee she is either popping her back or doing some kind of twisting. I think she does that a lot because she is on the cheerleading squad for North Layton Jr. High. She has made it every time she has tried out. I bet she will even make it when she goes to high school next year.
Ashlee may seem like an ordinary person, but as you can see she is not. In my opinion Ashlee is a very amazing person. So the next time you see a person who is smart, pretty and can do many unique things think of Ashlee.